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    Desiccants of the adsorption type are used in cases where particularly stringent requirements are imposed on the quality of compressed air. The dew point when using adsorption dryers can reach -70 Co. Such dehumidifiers for compressors are often used in the food industry, the manufacture of medicines and the optical industry.
Cold-cycle adsorption dryers with a dew point of -40 and -60 degrees. C (OS-7.5 - OS-150)
  • High reliability.
  • High-quality components and adsorbing filler.
  • Low pressure and air flow losses. The loss of productivity for regeneration at nominal capacity and pressure is no more than 15%.
  • Convenience of adsorbent replacement.
Hot-cycle adsorption dryers -40 and -60 deg. C (HE-22 - HE-150)
  • Durability of the sorbent and heating elements.
  • The technology of saving air preparation. The automatic control system regulates the cyclical operation of the columns, the regeneration and dehumidification time, as well as the heating temperature.
  • Direct heat exchange without ambient air intake eliminates the possibility of sorbent clogging.
  • The location of the thermostats contributes to a more accurate maintenance of the regeneration temperature.
  • Efficient use of regeneration energy in which losses amount to 4-6% of the system performance.
  • Maximum convenience of transportation, installation and maintenance.
    MODELS: OS-7.5, OS-15, OS-22, OS-30, OS-37, OS-45, OS-55, OS-75, OS-110, OS-150, HE-22, HE-30, HE-37, HE-45, HE-55, HE'S 75, HE'S 110, HE'S 150.

Price list


All BERG products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant BERG: screw oil-filled low-pressure compressors, modular compressor stations, compressed air preparation equipment and compressor control systems
  • Screw compressors BERG
    Screw compressors
    series VK,VK-R,VK-R-E,VK-E, etc.
  • Refrigerated dehumidifiers BERG
    Refrigerated dehumidifiers
    series S , etc .
  • Adsorption dryers BERG
    Adsorption dryers
    OS series, HE, etc.
  • Receivers BERG
    series RV, RG, etc.
  • Trunk filters BERG
    Trunk filters
    RSP series, etc.
  • Modular stations BERG
    Modular stations
    Block compressor, etc.
  • Compressor oil BERG
    Compressor oil
    BERG-OIL 46 et al.
  • Sandblasting machines BERG
    Sandblasting machines
    PC 150, PC 200, etc.

About BERG

BERG company (Germany) is a leader in the market of industrial equipment for the preparation of compressed air. An assembly shop has been established in Russia to produce models designed specifically to meet the requirements of Russian customers.

    BERG company means high quality and optimal prices. The company offers equipment at affordable prices.

    A well-developed dealer network throughout Russia allows you to reduce the delivery time to a minimum.

    BERG compressors are more than 10% increased productivity compared to similar models of competitors.

Information Board BERG

Learn more about our products BERG.
  • Price list for бренда BERG equipment
    Price list for BERG equipment
  • BERG equipment catalog марки BERG
    BERG equipment catalog
  • Brochure of на сайте BERG screw compressors
    Brochure of BERG screw compressors
  • Questionnaire for screw compressor марки BERG
    Questionnaire for screw compressor


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